quinta-feira, 4 de novembro de 2010

Pensamentos da Semana

1. Artigos

1.1 Parar de fazer de conta que os problemas são dos outros by Imagens de Marca


1.2 Which of these people is your future CEO ? The different ways Military Experience prepares managers for Leadership by HBR


2. Eventos

2.1. A ( IN )Sustentabilidade do Serviço Nacional de Saúde

PASC Plataforma Activa da Sociedade Civil organiza no dia 11/11, pelas 19.00 Horas no Auditório B da Reitoria da Universidade Nova de Lisboa o VI Encontro Público sobre : “A ( IN )Sustentabilidade do Serviço Nacional de Saúde. Para mais detalhes consulte o Link em anexo :

2.2. Aumentar a Competitividade através do factor humano, em tempos de incerteza

AEP promove no próximo dia 11/11 pelas 9.00 Horas no Auditório do Edifício de Serviços da AEP a Conferência com o tema acima mencionado. Para mais detalhes consulte o Link em anexo : http://www.aeportugal.pt/

domingo, 19 de setembro de 2010

Pensamentos da Semana

1. It’s Time to Take Full Responsibility ( Economic; Social; Environment )


2. My Presentation in the Pupilos do Exército ( www.pupilos.eu ) Conference about Leadership


3. Books

3.1 Decide & Deliver


3.2 Reorganize for resilience


4. Others

4.1 Possible Ipad option for Windows fans :


4.2 Strategic Marketing and Innovation Course by EGP next 19/10/2010


segunda-feira, 6 de setembro de 2010

Pensamentos da Semana

1. Articles & Books

1.1. Respect and have plan for all the stakeholders in your Company. In this article from HBR ( September 2010 ) you can read how Timberland’s CEO on Standing Up to 65,000 Angry Activists.

Some conclusions :
a) When angry activists come at you, don’t stand there with your arms folded and your mind closed.

You may not agree with their tactics, but they may be asking legitimate questions you should have been asking yourself. And if you can find at least one common goal—in this case, a solution to deforestation—you’ve also found at least one reason for working with each other, not against.
b) On the other hand, don’t greet them naively with open arms.
For every common goal, half a dozen personal agendas are in play. Greenpeace’s include selling membership subscriptions as well as saving the world. If that weren’t true, the organization would be making more phone calls and fewer sexy headlines.
C) In times of tension, watch and listen.
That’s when you learn just how committed you are to your principles—and how committed your team and your partners and even your competitors are to theirs.
To read the full article : http://linkd.in/bSwRJS
or for more deep knowledge read this book from Prof. Montanes ( Instituto Empresa ) : http://linkd.in/bwd6IJ
2. Events
2.1 Leadership Conference next 16/09 in Lisbon, for more details please go : http://bit.ly/97zQQF

2.2 Employer Branding next 22/09 in Lisbon : http://bit.ly/d8e3W9

2.3 Creative Leadership in Tough Times next 12/12 by EGP in Oporto : http://bit.ly/axxihc

2.4 Strategic Marketing and Innovation next 19/10 by EGP in Oporto : http://bit.ly/aapYcy

quarta-feira, 21 de julho de 2010

Pensamentos da Semana

1. Articles

1.1 Starbucks CEO ( Howard Shultz ) Entreview from HBR

"I do not believe that shareholder value is sustainable if you are not creating value for people who are doing the work and then the value for customers"

"You have to be honest and authentic and not hide. I think the leader today has to demonstrate the both transparency and vulnearability, and with the comee truthfulness and humility and obviously the ability to instill confidence in people, and not though some top-down hierarchical approach"

"We are living in a society where there is a need for human connection and a sense of community. And what we do every day is bring people together. People are using Starbucks stores as their own, and drinking coffee.


but for more details about Starbucks culture you can recover a book from Joseph A. Michelli ( Portuguese Edition available )


1.2 Managing Yourself: Bringing Out the Best in Your People by Liz Wiseman & Greg McKeown from HBR May 2010


In the book Multipliers ( http://www.multipliersbook.com/ ) you can find more details about this idea. For the authors be Multipliers is double the workforce for free, be diminishers require twice the resources.

In a Google Conference you can listen the authors about this idea :


2. Events

Conferência "Importância da formação Pupilos do Exército na criação de Líderes e de Empreendedores", 16/09/2010, Instituto Militar Pupilos do Exército, Estrada de Benfica, 374, Lisboa. ( Full Program will be available in the next days ).

quinta-feira, 8 de julho de 2010

Pensamentos da Semana

1. Articles

1.1 Vive la diference from Accenture Outlook

New research in Europe shows that the more diverse a company’s senior management—in terms of gender, nationality and other characteristics—the better the company is likely to perform.


1.2 How to save your brand in the face of Crisis from MIT Sloan Management Review


1.3 Why social media are ‘absolutely crucial’ to businesses by Kevin Tan from INSEAD


2. Books

2.1 Inteligencia Politica - El Poder Creador En Las Organizaciones (Spanish Edition)
by Prof. Pascual Montanes Duato from IE


2.2 The Servant Leader: How to Build a Creative Team, Develop Great Morale, and Improve Bottom-Line Performance by James A. Autry

To be Servant Leader you need : be authentic, be vulnerable, be accepting, be present and be useful. This concept tell us 6 things about leadership :

1- Leadership is not about controlling people, it's about caring for people and being a useful resource for people;

2- Leadership is not about being boss, it's about being present for people and building a community at work;

3- Leadership is not about holding on to territory, it's about letting go of ego, briging your spirit to work, being your best and most authentic self;

4- Leadership is less concerned with pep talks and more concerned with creating a place in whish people can do good work, can find meaning in their work and can bring their spirits to work;

5- Leadership, like life, is largely a matter of playing attention;

6- Leadership requires loves;


segunda-feira, 28 de junho de 2010

Leituras Recomendadas

1. Articles

1.1 What Makes an Effective Executive from HBR by Peter F. Drucker


1.2 When companies underestimate low-cost rivals from McKinsey Quarterly from Adrian Ryans


1.3 How to Manage Alliances Better Than One at a Time from MIT Sloan Management Review by Ulrich Wassmer, Pierre Dussauge and Marcel Planellas


2. Books

2.1 The Functions of the Executive: 30th Anniversary Edition by Chester I. Barnard and Kenneth Richmond


3. Events

3.1 Lighting the Fires of Management Innovation

A Webinar with Gary Hamel, Tuesday, July 20, 2010 - 11am ET


domingo, 13 de junho de 2010

Leituras Recomendadas

1. Articles

1.1 Raise Your Prices ! by SMR

Face it: Most companies can’t compete on price. And the good news is they don’t have to.


1.2 Get Your Team to Stop Fighting and Start Working by HBR


2. Books

2.1 The Way We're Working Isn't Working: The Four Forgotten Needs That Energize Great Performance


3. Events

3.1 Conferência "Corporate Governance, Evolução das boas práticas de governação, Gestão de risco e Controlo interno nas Organizações. ISEG no próximo dia 16/06/2010.


3.2 Seminário "Estratégias Empresariais: 2 Casos de Sucesso em Estratégias de nicho". ISEG no próximo dia 17/06/2010.


domingo, 6 de junho de 2010

Leituras Recomendadas

1. Articles

1.1 Managing Yourself: Turn the Job You Have into the Job You Want by HBR


1.2 Six Strategies for Successful Niche Marketing by SMR


2. Books

2.1 Why Women Mean Business: Understanding the Emergence of our next Economic Revolution by Avivah Wittenberg-Cox & Alison Maitland


3. Events

3.1 .COM_MULTI_WEB Conference by EGP next 15/06/2010


sábado, 29 de maio de 2010

Leituras Recomendadas

1. Articles
1.1 How to Prevent Hiring Disasters by HBR
Don't prioritize technicall skills, check your perception with others and don't moove to termination w/o first considering coaching or transferring.
1.2 Sharing Leadership to Maximize Talent by HBR
Shared leadership involves maximizing all of the human resources in an organization by empowering individuals and giving them an opportunity to take leadership positions in their areas.
1.3 Are Your Acquisitions Creating Complexity? by HBR
Only 30% of completed M&A transactions actually pay off as expected - Integration process creates complexity instead of simplicity.
1.4 Five ways CFO's can make cost cuts stick by Mckensie Quarterly
2. Books
2.1 The Way We're Working Isn't Working: The Four Forgotten Needs That Energize Great Performance
3. Events
3.1 Como vender más en tiempos de crisis (only available in Spanish) by IE ( 9 & 10/06/2010 )
3.2 Power and Influence by EGP ( 1/07/2010 )

domingo, 23 de maio de 2010

Leituras Recomendadas

1. Articles

1.1 Five ways CFOs can make cost cuts stick ( Mckinsey Quarterly )

1.2 In the 2010 IBM Global CEO Study, CEO's cited creativity as the most important leadership quality over the next 5 years.

1.3 Restore Trust with Employees? Forget About ... ( HBR )

1.4 Growth through Focus : A Blueprint for Driving Profitable Expansion ( S+B )
2. Books
2.1 Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion, and Purpose
2.2 Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter
3. Events
3.1 Forbes Webinar : Leadership in an Increasingly Interconnected World
Insights from the IBM Global CEO Study 2010 ( May, 25 )
3.2 HBR Webinar : Seizing the Upside of Complexity ( June, 14 )

sábado, 15 de maio de 2010

Leituras Recomendadas

1. Artigos

1.1 Leaders without values ... they can achieved the short term Targets ... But !!


1.2 Put the same focus on people that you put in your brands...


1.3 Kets de Vies (Insead's Expert) clarifies how self-awareness can break the destructive pattern of corporate narcissism:


2. Livros

2.1 The Facebook Effect : The Inside Story of the Company That Is Connecting the World


3. Conferências / Seminários

3.1 Seminário Marcas Originiais organizado pela Centromarca no próximo dia 25 de Maio de 2010


3.2 Seminário Gestão de Pessoas, Gestão de Talento organizado pela AESE nos próximos dias 25 e 26 de Maio 2010


3.3 Sessão de Continuidade s/ Estratégias para melhorar a Experiência de Compra organizado pela AESE no próximo dias 27 de Maio 2010



Corporate Governance : Lead by Example and pledge now the Global Management Principles of Young Global Leaders Forum : http://bit.ly/dzJi8U

Boas Leituras.

sábado, 8 de maio de 2010

Leituras Recomendadas

Esta semana as sugestões do Querer é Poder são :
1. Artigos
1.1 Is Your Company As Customer-Focused As You Think ?
( Sloan Management Review )
Many managers assume that their products and services will be relevant tomorrow. But employees hide problems and markets change. Unless you actually probe the organization and ask tough questions, you may be deluding yourself.
1.2 Promises You Should Never Believe (or Make)
( Harvard Business Review )
The one promise they can reliably keep is to communicate often, with alternative scenarios in mind.
1.3 Four Things Employees Need From Leader
( Harvard Business Review )
2. Livros
2.1 Employees First, Customers Second: Turning Conventional Management Upside Down
2.2 The Power of Pull: How Small Moves, Smartly Made, Can Set Big Things in Motion
2.3 Making Ideas Happen: Overcoming the Obstacles Between Vision and Reality
3. Seminários
3.1 AEP promove no próximo dia 11 de Maio conferência sobre Downsizing: Inovação, Produtividade e Responsabilidade Social
3.2 O Departamento de Ciências Empresariais da Universidade Atlântica vai promover no dia 21 de Maio, das 15h às 19h, a 2ª Conferência Ser Empreendedor
Boas Leituras.

sábado, 1 de maio de 2010

Leituras Recomendadas

Esta semana as leituras recomendadas são dois excelentes artigos da HBR :

1) When you've to cut costs :


2) How to Stop Customers from Fixating on Price :


sábado, 24 de abril de 2010

Leituras Recomendadas

Leituras sugeridas :

1- How to Keep Good Employees in a Bad Economy by Marshall Goldsmith :

2- How we do it ? 3 Executives reflect on strategic decison making by McKinsey Quartery : http://bit.ly/ddK6Jl

3- Crisis Management : 4 Strategies for lead disruptions by Rosabeth Moss Kanter : http://bit.ly/bR1DOa

Livros a ler :

4- Leading outside the lines : How to mobilize the informal organization, energize your team and get better results by Jon R. Katzenbach and Zia Khan

5- New Supply Chain Agenda : The 5 Steps that drive real value by Reuben E. Slone, Paul J. Dittman, John T. Mentzer

6 - Workforce of one : Revolutionizing talent management through customization by Susan Cantrell and David Y. Smith

Na próxima semana temos nas livrarias portuguesas um novo livro sobre liderança inspirado em José Mourinho :

7 - "Mourinho - A descoberta guiada", pelo Luís Lourenço, editado pela PrimeBooks;

Boas Leituras.

Nélson Santos de Brito

segunda-feira, 19 de abril de 2010


O objectivo deste espaço é partilhar com um grupo de amigos alguns textos que semanalmente vão sendo disponibilizados por diversas revistas e jornais mas que nem sempre temos tempo para os encontrar.
Esta semana gostaria de partilhar convosco :
1- Artigo disponibilizado na Edição HBR de Abril sobre Leadership na era da Transparência : http://bit.ly/aIzZYy
2- Artigo disponibilizado no El País sobre a importância da Comunicação por parte dos Líderes nos momentos de DownTurn : http://bit.ly/9yec26
Caso tenham interesse em acompanhar diáriamente via Twitter podem encontrar-me em : nsantosbrito
Boas leituras.
Querer é Poder.
Nélson Santos de Brito