1. Articles
1.1 How to Prevent Hiring Disasters by HBR
Don't prioritize technicall skills, check your perception with others and don't moove to termination w/o first considering coaching or transferring.
1.2 Sharing Leadership to Maximize Talent by HBR
Shared leadership involves maximizing all of the human resources in an organization by empowering individuals and giving them an opportunity to take leadership positions in their areas.
1.3 Are Your Acquisitions Creating Complexity? by HBR
Only 30% of completed M&A transactions actually pay off as expected - Integration process creates complexity instead of simplicity.
1.4 Five ways CFO's can make cost cuts stick by Mckensie Quarterly
2. Books
2.1 The Way We're Working Isn't Working: The Four Forgotten Needs That Energize Great Performance
3. Events
3.1 Como vender más en tiempos de crisis (only available in Spanish) by IE ( 9 & 10/06/2010 )
3.2 Power and Influence by EGP ( 1/07/2010 )
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